Many drone consumers remember the Lily drone from its crowdfunding campaign in 2015. An eager group of buyers raised more than 34 million dollars for the adorable black drone with blue eyes drawn around the camera. With a ton of extra features, the market was excited for the incredible drone’s release.

Sadly, a viable product was never produced from the crowdfunding campaign and people that contributed funds were left feeling let down and had nothing to show for the money that they contributed to the cause. The company was forced to shut down after the 34 million just wasn’t enough to finance the drone. Fast forward to 2017 and the Moto Group has purchased the rights to the name for $300,000. Wildly enough, GoPro even offered interest in purchasing the intellectual property, but was outbid.

The name purchase has left many drone enthusiasts confused since the original crowd fund left such a bad taste in the mouth of many consumers, but they casted that aside and looked forward to all of the awesome features that they were initially promised that would put the Lily drone far ahead of its competitors like DJI Spark and Parrot Bebop. The new features would make this drone much easier to take off for flight, and overall provide the pilot with a much cooler experience.

lily drone next gen

When the crowdfunding campaign was in progress, the new features promised were that the drone would be waterproof, it could be thrown into the air and launch from that point, and it would come with a wrist-mounted controller. None of these features are available on the Lily that is being released by the Moto Group. In fact, the Lily Next Gen drone is basically no different than its competitor drones, and is slightly more expensive. Features of the Lily Next Gen drone include 4k video resolution, “Follow Me” functions, and a foldable design for safe storage and travel.

The Lily Next Gen drone is costing users approximately $700 unless they contributed to the crowdfunding campaign, which means they can purchase it now for $500. For those types of prices, it’s unsure why a buyer would go with a brand name that isn’t as well known as its competitors. The main hope for many is that the Lily drone will now be able to fulfill the orders made during its original Kickstarter campaign.

There is one comment:

  • Gary Scott at 9:09 am

    Well, that is just bonkers? The name ‘Lilly’ has too much negativity associated with it, and rightly so. Going for a Mavic look-a-like is hardly going to break the market or bring anything new to the table.

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