Welcome to the Dronethusiast.com Aerial Photography Orlando directory. Here you can find the top aerial photography businesses in your neck of the woods! We have gone through and searched out the best local aerial photography companies in Orlando and listed them here. You’ll be able to use these businesses to get aerial shots of your real estate, your commercial business, or in general for any reason you might need aerial video or photos.
Want to Learn Drone Aerial Photography?
At Dronethusiast we partner with one of the best Drone Aerial Photography training companies – Drone Launch. If you want to learn how to do quality aerial photography we suggest you sign up for their extremely high quality course and get to work training! You’ll also get $50 off the course because you’re a Dronethusiat reader!

Aerial Portfolio – Devore Design
There are many reasons why you may be looking for someone to use a drone to take aerial pictures of your business or property. These businesses are all required to be certified to practice in the United States and hold FAA exemptions for flying their drones higher than 400 feet. If you’re looking for someone to do aerial photography higher than 400 feet you may need to ask for their certification.
We also recommend you only hire drone photography companies who are insured in case there is damage to your property during the filming.
Orlando FL is a very popular place for aerial photography businesses, in fact in Florida in general Drone businesses are growing at twice the rate of any other state in the USA except California! This means you have lots of great Orlando FL, Aerial photography companies to choose from! These are the best of them all!
Some questions you should be ready to ask about your drone filming crew are:
1. What insurance do you have?
2. Are You Certified To Fly by the FAA?
3. What will the cost for the project be?
4. What are your reference, who have you worked with in the past and can I call them?
5. When will the job be finished?
Aerial Photography Orlando FL
Vic Devore
Vic Devore
Devore Design Aerial Photography
Click to Call Us
Call or Text: 407-500-PICS | 407-500-7427
Address: 836 W. Montrose St, Ste 1, Clermont, FL 34711
Eagle Aerial Images
Number: (407) 301-7311
Office: 509 S. Chickasaw Trail, #275, Orlando, FL 32825
Website: http://eagleaerialimages.net/
Driving Directions
Aerials Florida
Number: (407) 521-4407
Office: 3444 Heatherington Rd, Orlando, FL 32808
Website: http://www.aerialsflorida.com/
Driving Directions
iMagine Aerial Productions
Number: (407) 222-4407
Office: 100 S Eola Dr #807, Orlando, FL 32801
Website: http://www.imagineaerialproductions.com/
Driving Directions
Orlando Fl Aerial Photography Companies
Thanks for visiting our directory and hopefully you were able to find the best aerial photography business for your needs. Each client has individual demands for their project and these companies are here and ready to serve your exact specifications!
If you have specific needs when it comes to the type of filming that you need done make sure you talk to the company operator about this. You can ask them questions about their drone, what kind it is, how well it flies, will there need to be two operators or just one? For example, sometimse there needs to be a second person to operate the camera and pan left and right while the pilot flies the quadcopter. If this is the case it may cost you more to have the filming done.