Airselfie Drone: The Smallest Portable flying camera in the world
Setting a New Standard for the Hovering Snapshot
As you page through the news feed of your favorite social media network, you have no doubt encountered many “Selfies”. As much criticism as they have received, and as much as some wonder how often you may see new shots of hairstyles, hats, or makeup, they have definitely become popular enough that we have all wondered about better ways to shoot them!
Many smartphone users were excited when the “selfie stick” came out, allowing them to position the picture-taking source just a bit higher,
This is a device that can claim a very bold and ingenious quality: it is the world’s first pocket-sized flying camera, and the only one currently that has an extremely easy integration with the most popular smartphones. There are four tiny propellers that allow it to climb to a height of over 60 feet, and is equipped with a 5 MP camera.
People are going to really go crazy over this one!
A 5 MP camera is still good enough to get an image that will portray how much fun you’re having, how cool the new club is that you’re at, or simply how good you and your bestie look during your first lunch meeting in quite some time. What’s really going to be interesting is when patrons everywhere are sitting down getting ready for a movie or awesome meal, and they see a tiny drone buzzing around above them: it could really feel like the readings of sci-fi novels past have come to the future to permanently (and perhaps pleasantly) haunt your next dining experience.
Is this thing really that easy to use?
To get this device off the ground and ready to rock, you simply take it out of its cover, and launch it from your phone by using the AirSelfie app that governs it. There are 3 different modes you can use to control it, and you’ll see that grabbing a stellar picture is any from any of them.
The easiest to control is Selfie Mode, where you only need two buttons to bring this ingenious little creation closer or further away from you. In Selfie Motion Control Mode, you are able to use a joystick within the app to control this excitable little guy, and then snap away when you feel you have the best angle.
In Flying Mode, you get to test your skills just a bit more: you hold the device horizontally, and hover by staying still once you locate the shot that works for you. This is one gadget that is going to no doubt turn many heads and have users hooked on this new medium for taking the coolest selfies of 2017.
As soon as you place the Airselfie back into your mobile device, the pics will be ready to be shared to your Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat app, and you can sit back and let the comments start flowing. Long gone will be the days where you need a stranger to snap a picture for you, and it may not just be when you’re with a friend that the best situations arise. Even someone who is touring a building or exploring a cool new landscape on vacation will be able to snap a shot from a bit higher above, and enjoy different variations without flying and lugging a full-sized drone around.
The Tech Specs on deck:
Here are some of the specifics for the Airselfie and specifics on what the product is composed of:
• Aluminum housing finished by anodize process
• Onboard 5 MP camera
• Gyro/Barometer?Geomagnetic sensor and 2.4 GHz wifi connection
• Brushless motor
• Built-in 4GB micro SD card
• Battery is 240m AH 7.4 V
• Size: 3.72 x 2.65 x .42 “, 52G weight
This is one device that is absolutely going to make major waves in the market: Just like larger versions of drones, consumers are loving the fact that they are becoming so very easy to control. When folks who are out on the town get the desire to snap their best angle quickly, having a super-cool gadget that pops right out of their phone and flies around to take said picture will surely be a very interesting component in a rapidly modernizing world.