DJI Inspire 1 Goes To Market at $2899 – First Hands On Test Video

DJI Inspire 1 transforming
The New Inspire 1
After some images and specs leaked ahead of launch, DJI formally announced the new DJI Inspire 1 “prosumer” quadcopter at a high profile ceremony in San Francisco, tweeted and covered live by many enthusiasts and news outlets. The new high end consumer product is probably the most expensive quad any private individual would consider buying, since owning one would put a hefty dent on your pocket. Costing $2899, the Inspire 1 is just a small stretch away from being a professional only solution.
The new Inspire 1 current release called T600 provides an obstruction free camera view as the quad transforms after takeoff allowed by a patented design previously discovered online by members the quadcopter community.

DJI Inspire transforming frame
The carbon fiber arms give you the strength to maneuver in the air and they transform, moving out of the camera’s way at the flick of a switch. With a full 360⁰ unobstructed view, you now have the freedom to capture shots independent of the direction you are flying.
The 4K Camera
Another important addition is the 4K camera built in which should put an end to discussions about which setup is better, the Vision+ or the GoPro mounted one. We have to admit that the later model GoPros custom designed for making action footage has better recording capabilities than the built in Phantom Vision+.

The New 4K DJI video camera
Downlink and Range
The framing and shooting capabilities have also been brought to a new level, bringing the Inspire 1 another step closer to professional platforms DJI is already manufacturing. A real-time feed from your Inspire 1’s camera is displayed in 720p HD on your mobile device giving you a perfect view of what the camera sees to frame your shots. This is made possible by an all new and improved version of DJI’s Lightbridge technology which can transmit video from up to 2km away.
Create Together
Two operator control is also something that has historically been the characteristic of professional film making platform. For an even greater level of precision, you can use a second remote controller and fly with a friend. With two operators controlling the same Inspire 1, one person pilots the flight path while the other aims the gimbal and camera. Each user can have their own screen to see exactly what is being shot in real-time. By working in tandem, you’re capturing shots that are more complex and artistic than ever before.
Vision Positioning System
An ingenious solution to avoid flyaways previously characteristic of early Phantom maodels, DJI’s new Optical Flow technology uses a specially designed camera as well as sonic waves to bring simplicity to flying indoors. This technology allows the Inspire 1 to hold its position, stop when the controls are released, and respond to your commands even when GPS is unavailable.
Some early impressions have been talking about a bit of instability and jello effect in video. As these issues might be present in early models, we are sure that DJI will make all efforts necessary to fix these early bugs.
See the new Inspire 1 in action in this video by our friends at Skynamic in Germany: