DJI Phantom 2 Vision Plus Drone Landing Safety
For DJI Phantom 2 Vision Plus drone landing safety, here is a Simple Trick to Say Good Bye to Bumpy Landings Forever.
The internet is full of useful stuff on how to prevent the misfortune of having your quad land roughly and damage parts or destroy the drone itself. Of course such a mishap can be the result of something that you can’t prevent, such as interference from a source you can not identify and avoid. But most of the time, the minor landing bumps happen, when you try to land your bird on the ground and the maneuver does not happen as intended. Most of the time, this only causes a chipped rotor which is easy to replace, but often times you can do more damage to your quad than you think. For example if you fly a Phantom 2 Vision Plus like we do – and I confirm it is a great piece of technology -, the camera and gimbal it is equipped with is a bit more fragile than average and puts a dent of 700 bucks on your wallet to replace.
So I tend to read a lot of tips and tricks, moreover suggestions to buy stuff like wide landing gears to keep you from tipping over when you land. Of course if you buy such a landing gear, you will not be able to fit your Phantom into a standard carry case, so there is a disadvantage right away. But what I asked myself is why land at all? If you have no clue as to what I am getting at, you might say I am nuts. Whatever goes up, has to come down, right? This is the law of physics. Ok, here is the deal. Let’s say your landing is a voluntary one and you fly a drone with GPS aided hovering capabilities (our you have a firm hand on your controls). You can easily maneuver your drone to come right down in front of you and you can simply grab it firmly and power down your motors. This can be done on the Phantom for example by lowering the left control stick all the way to the bottom. After the rotors slowing down, keep your stick at the bottom most position for 3 seconds or so and the motors will power down completely. There you go, no worries about the ground you land. Honestly, you even look a lot cooler to those standing by watching you. Here is how it is done:
Safe flying folks!

This is not a smart thing to publish. I have had at least 3 different “experienced” multirotor pilots put seriously nasty gashes in their hands and face trying to do this, and yes even with the “soft” phantom blades.
I hand catch 95% of the time and never had an issue doing it as a team with my wife who is also my spotter when we are out flying. This is how we do it: I have over 100 flights on my Phantom 2 Vision Plus. I am still flying with the original props and have no issues with my camera or gimbal.
This is not an intelligent move. Seriously!
I’ve seen some serious accidents with props. Fingers lost! Do not underestimate how dangerous a propeller can be, regardless of size. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!
I think with everything you need to be careful when carrying this out.
However I agree this is a better way to bring your phantom down.
A lot of the time the surface you are trying to land on is not flat and the phantom can tip over due to the narrow landing gear.
This results in chipped propellers, damage to gimbals, camera lenses etc. not to mention sand and rocks entering their way into your motors and doing damage.
You just have to be very careful where you place your hands and balancing the phantom whilst holding it (as the Phantom motors tend to rev hard when it experiences resistance)
I can’t believe there are people who are dissing this technique. I’m relatively new to my Phantom (only 20 flights or so to date) and I have used this technique since the third flight without problem. Obviously it goes without saying that there are possible dangers, of course, but if you seriously can’t perform this action safely then you shouldn’t even be trusted to fly the thing in the first place. The only thing I would have MAYBE worded differently in the post is that “if you choose to use this method take extreme care and do so at your own risk”.
But all in all, for me this is far easier than ground landing and my props still look like new 🙂
Its all about your level of experience & confidence. And the stock blades WILL NOT cause any mortal wounds! At worst you may have a blood blister on your hand, and may have to wrap it with tape for a few weeks & thenyou may have a slight scar &……..Oh well thats what I heard anyway……..(;-o0