Drone Video of Apple’s New Campus Foundations
An amazing drone video of Apple’s new campus recorded with a DJI Phantom was released over the weekend showing the progress of groundwork and foundations of the tech giant’s new future main location. The new HQ will house 12000 employees and is due to complete in 2016. The video was posted by fellow drown pilot/enthusiast myithz on YouTube and shows the construction site in great detail. Maybe it is just us here at Dronethusiast, but it reminds us a bit of the Pentagon. Maybe we should avoid a Rorschach test these days :).
Wondering about the above and searching for an image to feature, we found this, so it is not only us thinking that:

Apple Campus 2 and Pentagon comparison. Credit: www.seanbillykizy.com
The video passed the 130.000 mark in views when we last checked. A great idea for aerial videography so enjoy and get inspired!
Do you have a similar breathtaking video? Let us feature it by sending it to zsolt@dronethusiast.com!
Drone Video of Apple's New Campus. An amazing drone video of Apple's new campus recorded with a DJI Phantom was released over the weekend showing...