The PowerRay Underwater Drone is the New Angler’s Go to Choice
Drones can be a great way of making a fortune, in advertisements, mapping, aerial inspection, possible delivery of parcels, precision in agriculture as well as pilot training, photography and fishing. The world of fishing has been dragging in technological development. With the technological development in fishing comes the PowerRay drone, an underwater robot that can do more than many angler could expect.
After Powerbee, PowerEye and PowerEgg, Beijing-based Tech Company, PowerVision is back with an underwater robot, the PowerRay. This powerful fishing drone is taking in deep waters to a new level. There is something special about the PowerRay, which is the first of the company to dive into water, since the others are aerial drones. Well, if you are yet to believe this is real, and still wondering how the whole thing works, then keep reading to get all you need to know about the PowerRay.
What is the PowerRay?
The PowerRay is a new, revolutionary water drone that can go to great depths, locate fish, and even cast the bait for anglers. What’s even more interesting; this underwater robot can record everything happening down there, sending video back to a hand-held device. If you go for still photos, it can give you that one too. What makes anglers want to lay their hands on this drone is that it can do all the work, while you take a nap along the bank or beach.
Dawn to a new fishing era
With the fishing industry having not seen much action as many other fields in the society, this appears to be a step into a new era in the industry. PowerVision CEO, Wally Zheng said in a press release that recreational fishing is among the areas of lifestyle that have been waiting to realize significant technological milestones. He added that with the introduction of the PowerRay, the company would impart a complete change in the way fishing has been done over the last 7,000 years.
This is rooted on the innovative and technological fish finding features, as well as providing an exclusive underwater experience thrill with the use of virtual reality. With the PowerRay drone, the company will be able to offer more efficiency, fun and thrill experience for anglers the world over, which will change recreational fishing from now onwards.
How deep can the PowerRay go?
According to the PowerVision, this drone can detect fish as far as 40 meters away and can dive down to 30 Meters deep. Its Wi-Fi connection can send video, images, and data from below, to as far as 262 feet (80 meters) when something is nearby, as well as giving information about the terrain down there. Users can control the underwater robot to as far as 70 meters away. The drone can work both in deep cold waters and in medium temperature environments.
How can I fish with it?
PoweVision’s PowerRay drone has an inbuilt fish detector, which uses sonar to release sound waves, and pick the reflections that are bouncing off from any object within range. PowerVision states that the device can distinguish species, which enables the angler to identify their target more precisely. Moreover, the underwater robot can carry a baited hook down there, and then let it free. When the angler wants to use it for the catching, the drone has a blue hue light that it emits from its LED to lure the target to the hook. This leads to more chances of getting a catch at such far depths.
There is, however, something more interesting about this drone. It is normal for aerial drones to transmit information using radio waves. However, radio waves do not work well in aquatic environments, especially in seawater. This is because these waters are highly conductive, and they absorb the signals, cutting the communication off. The same reason is what makes it necessary for submarines to surface if they have to use their radios for communication. However, the PowerRay has a plug socket that connects to a 30-meter-long cord, which tethers the drone to the operator. According to PowerVision, this cord is dual- functional.
One is the communication function, whereby the drone transmits data and commands through the cable to beat the difficult transmission environments. The second purpose is more of the safety function. This cable comes in handy for the anglers if a big fish snatch the bait and it drags the appliance away, the angler can pull the device back. This is a useful manual operation of the drone when necessary, or just for the fun of it.
PowerVision is optimistic that in the future, it will come up with versions that will not necessarily require a cord. Maybe such versions will be equipped to use low-frequency systems, which may suffice in providing operability over a certain freshwater range. Such drones will be very useful for underwater photography. For the anglers, the company is working out on ways to deliver the hook in bait to certain locations under water, and then just wait and keep watch. The anglers will thus have their video footage to see what happened down there.
Is it available now?
The PowerRay drone was unveiled at the Consumer-Electronic Show (CES), held in Las Vegas this month. The revelation stirred a buzz of excitement, with the new technological advance catching the attention of many. However, the drone is yet to be released into the public market, with the preorders slotted to start on February 27. The price of the amazing underwater robot is yet to be announced too.
How do I control it?
When it comes to the controls, users of this PowerRay drone have even more to enjoy. Forget about the “precision remote bait drop” for attracting fish underwater, the powerful camera and the sonar detection, the best part about this drone comes in control. Users can rely on a hand-held unit for the controls and monitor what is unfolding beneath. Besides, anglers can also use their Smartphone, iOS or an Android app, which they can choose to receive alerts when the drone comes across something.
If you want to get the real experience of being in depth and seeing everything in the first person, PowerRay got you covered. With a pair of virtual-reality goggles, you can go down and back from your boat or the bank. The goggles are also capable of effecting controls, which you can manipulate by turning your head to the side that you want to get a view of, just a tilt of the head and you get a view of the terrain, fish, and beauty of the underwater world. What’s more, as a user, you can get a clear view of the position of your drone. For the configuration, you can also select the travel mode that you want to set, as well as speed and the light settings using the electronic devices.
The add-ons and Battery life
Just like any other appliance, the PowerRay drone comes with add-ons that add to its efficiency. The major and most important of all is the Sonar add-on. With this n board, the underwater robot can dive as far down as 98 feet (30 meters) and track fish as far as 131 feet (40 meters) further. The Sonar helps the device to achieve a pin- point precision accuracy of up to 3.9 inches (10 centimeters). What’s more, anglers can also let the PowerRay into the water without having to connect it with the Sonar add-on, and still get an impressive performance. However, it is apparent that if you want something more than the obvious, the add-on is one thing you cannot leave behind. It means more adventure and more action altogether.
The PowerRay drone itself weighs 7.7 pounds, while the additional accessories add another 4.4 lbs. This offers a portable weight that will not sweat you out as you head down to the water.
This underwater robot is made of the necessity for long hours of performance in mind. This is why both the PowerRay drone and the sonar add-on have long life battery each. The company says that these batteries can last up to four hours. This is sufficient time to take you through your fishing experience or give you enough portion of the adventure below the waves.

Tech specification
• LED blue hue lights
• 4K camera with high resolution
• Sonar detection features
• Can dive down to deep distances
• Reliable and high performance features
• Easy to use drone, simple features and controls
• Long battery life
• Lightweight
• It is corded, which may limit its hands-free operation
• It can be pulled away by big fish, which may require careful observation in the open sea.
The PowerRay drone is undeniably an exciting kit that anglers will be looking forward to adding to their fishing gear collection. This sturdy product will be the best in deep water fishing, both salty and fresh, as well as for everyday anglers and hobbyists. Furthermore, this drone can actually put food on your table, is simple and easy to use, and can perform to your expectation.